If you only drive a car occasionally or during certain months, you could benefit from long-term auto storage. These tips can help you protect the vehicle’s exterior and prevent mechanical problems:

Eight Long-Term Auto Storage Tips

1. Don’t simply park your car in a driveway and leave it there. Use an auto storage facility and take the right precautions to avoid harming your battery, fuel line, tires or engine.

2. Fully inflate the tires to ensure that they retain their shape. Remove the wheels and use jack stands when you store a vehicle for over two months.

3. Put fuel stabilizer in the car’s gasoline tank. This stops the gas from breaking down and causing serious problems. Some experts also suggest filling the tank with fuel.

4. Replace the oil filter and change the engine oil whenever you store an auto for more than four weeks. This precaution can prevent pollutants in the old oil from harming your engine.

5. Clean the vehicle’s interior and exterior. Consider waxing it as well. If you skip this step, food crumbs could rot or attract pests and exterior grime might blemish your car’s paint.

6. Detach the vehicle’s negative battery wire when you store it. This reduces the likelihood that your battery will discharge. Consider writing down any stereo settings beforehand.

7. Learn about the storage facility’s rules. Some companies may expect your auto to have insurance, license plates and/or registration. If you can’t find or don’t understand any of the requirements, talk to a staff member.

8. Before you put your car back on the road, perform a thorough inspection. Examine the tires, wipers, battery, brakes and exhaust pipe. You might need to add air to the tires.

These tips will ensure that long-term auto storage truly preserves your vehicle. If you seek a well-protected storage location with competitive rates, please contact us today.

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