Service members who are deploying overseas have lots to consider before shipping out. One of those things involves what to do with a vehicle while they are gone. Leaving your car with a family member is tempting, but there are times when you should consider long-term storage instead.

Servicemember? Here's when to Consider Long-Term Auto Storage

When you Would Rather not Leave it Unsecured

When parking on the street, you run the risk of someone breaking into  your car. That’s especially true if your automobile stays in one spot too long without moving. Others might notice it sitting in one location and decide that it is fair game for stealing.

Some jurisdictions might consider a vehicle abandoned if it sits in one space for several days. This means you might also have to worry about it being towed without your knowledge.

You Have Relatives who Might Help Themselves

When leaving your car with relatives, you run the risk of them using your auto at random. While it’s good to have someone drive your vehicle occasionally, you probably do not want anyone using it on a regular basis. This is especially true if that individual is not a safe operator or fails to perform regular maintenance. The fact that your automobile is in storage eliminates the possibility of loved ones just helping themselves.

You Want it to be Protected from Weather Damage

Maybe you have an expensive vehicle that needs to be protected from the elements. In that case, keeping it in storage is the right answer. Your car will always be protected regardless of the weather, so you will not have to worry about it deteriorating while you are gone.

Auto storage can provide the military with peace of mind at a time when there is already so much to worry about. To secure your long-term parking spot, please contact us.

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