3 Key Considerations When Looking at Storage for Your RVOwning an RV allows you to travel the country and see all sorts of sights and attractions. However, you need somewhere to store it when the cooler weather hits and you aren’t using it any longer. With RV storage, you can eliminate any hassles and headaches surrounding where you are going to put your unit. However, not all storage facilities are the same. To help ensure you get one that is going to work best for you, here are a couple of things you need to consider beforehand.


While you might not have to worry about getting into your RV during the winter, you need to know whether it is an option or not. Some facilities have restrictions on what time you can access the storage facility while others let you in at any time of the day or night. It is important that you know these things in the event you do have to get something out of the RV at 10pm. You don’t want to have it where you are stuck and cannot access your unit when you need to.

Indoor or Outdoor Storage

There are indoor and outdoor storage facilities for storing your RV. You need to determine which one is going to work better for your individual needs. While indoor units do cost a little more, it might be worth it to someone with a fairly new unit who doesn’t want the snow to cause rust to form earlier than it should. Only you can determine which option is going to work for you. Look at both and make an informed decision.

Time Commitment

Make sure there aren’t any time commitments required when securing your storage facility. You don’t want to sign paperwork that says you are going to end up storing your unit for six months when in fact you only planned on storing it for three. This could wind up costing you penalties and fees for terminating the contract early. It is important that you have a solid understanding of the rental agreement. Is it month to month or for a specified amount of time?

In knowing the three things above, you can better make an informed decision about where you want to store your RV. Contact us for additional information on storage for your RV.

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