The Do's and Don'ts of RV StorageThe holidays of 2015 are long over and the first month of 2016 is at an end. Storage units are now full to bursting with things new and old. You’re done traveling for the holidays. You’ve packed away all of those holiday decorations. The new gifts you received that are best used in the summer months have also been packed away. There is just one final item to prep and store. You’re RV. Prepping and storing your RV might be old hat to you and for others it may be an entirely new process. Below are a few Do’s and Don’ts for RV storage.

  • Do make sure to winterize your water system: This is especially important in colder climates where snow and rain are a fairly common occurrence. Pouring some non-toxic antifreeze through your water system will prevent freezing and cracking within your water lines.
  • Don’t park your RV just anywhere: Just like Storage Units there are places you can rent to “store” your RV. Some of these places offer enclosed storage and some offer open storage spaces. Many places such as RV Dealerships and Campgrounds offer storage for your RV. That being said it is wholly possible to store your RV on your own premises. If this is the option you prefer then make sure to find a flat piece of ground to avoid unauthorized movement. Also, avoid trees and places where plant life, such as weeds, will overgrow it.
  • Do shut down or turn off any and all appliances within the RV: Making sure you unplug your lamps, that travel coffee maker, the fridge and any other items that need electricity to operate will help ensure your RV’s batteries are not drained when you pull it out of storage. Also, be sure to shut off the main breaker of your RV. Electricity is her own entity and can get up to mischief if not treated with due respect.
  • Don’t forget to give your RV a good thorough cleaning: The last thing anyone wants to have to deal with when they pull their RV out of storage is an infestation of rodents, insects or both. What you’ll want to do is clean out your fridge and defrost it. Clean and dry it thoroughly. Doing this will prevent mold from growing in your fridge. Next, open every drawer, every cabinet and every compartment then clear out any and all food. Even those types of food that come canned or bottled need to exit the RV. Clean and dry every surface from the floor to the ceiling. Like with the fridge, this will keep mold and mildew from building up and becoming prime real estate for bacteria.

The above Do’s and Don’ts are but a few tips for helping you prepare your RV for storage be it long-term or short-term. While there are many other tips and tricks out there, these will certainly put you on track. If you have any questions or you would like more information on RV Storage, please feel free to contact us.

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